Saturday, May 18, 2019

Yahweh is an AWESOME God

I was watching a worship video on Youtube and decided to do a short message about it here. Messianic worship leader Paul Wilbur sang a song called 'Nobody Like You' about God's unlimited greatness and how He created the vast heavens as proof of that power and ability.

Holy is the Lord of Glory.  He revealed His Name to His servant Moses as "I AM". Another name for the Almighty is 'Eternal'. God (Yahweh) is eternal. He is the One Who became Jesus Christ about 4000 years after creation week (Gen 1). It was the pre-incarnate Jesus who spoke the entire universe into existence. It was He who said, "Let Us make man in Our image" (Gen 1:26).

He is past finding out but He has given us enough evidence in His Word and nature that He is worthy of recognition and devotion to the exclusion of all other 'deities'. All other 'gods' and religious philosophies are of no value.

The God Who reveals Himself in the pages of the Christian Bible is infinite in power, glory and love.
He is an infinite spirit being (Jn 4:24) and therefore immortal and greater than everything, since He created everything (Col 1:15-17) by His spoken word. God spoke the cosmos into existence about 6000 years ago, according to the Bible and science, when properly understood by real scientists with honest hearts and minds and a fearless integrity to follow where the Truth leads!

Since He brought the cosmos into existence, He is greater than the cosmos! Even if the cosmos is a trillion light years in diameter, that is nothing to God since He is infinite and outside of time and space. He is spirit and we are less than specks of dust compared to Him. And yet He offers us a blessed opportunity to have a close loving relationship with Him. When we respond to the evidence of His reality and choose to believe, He draws near to us because faith endears us to Him! He loves when His highest creation comes to see himself as helpless and in desperate need of a Saviour! Only then will He come into our hearts and lives and we start becoming the person we were born to be!
How foolish to disbelieve in your Creator and the Master of your eternal destiny (Ps 14:1; 53:1)!
Do not waste any more time but seek Him while He may be found (Isa 55:6; Zeph. 5:3 etc.).

***This is a post still in construction 
and therefore unfinished. More to be added soon***