"Day of WHAT?", I hear you ask. It's known as Yom Kippur by the Jews and it's a day all Bible believers should observe. It's listed with six other annual Sabbaths (or, high days) in Lev. 23. The LORD of the Old Testament (Yahweh,
the One Who became the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, when He was born of a virgin, Miriam about 4BC in Bethlehem of Judea. Known as the Word (Jn 1:1-3,14), He was the Divine God-being Who Created the universe (Gen. 1).)
is the One Who declared to Moses that the 'appointed Feasts' listed in Lev. 23 were His festivals or holy convocations (commanded assemblies), not (just) the festival of the Jews'! They are NOT 'Jewish holy days', as most seem to believe! That is a Satanic LIE! It is vitally important to know that they are holy days that belong to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They are for all mankind, not just for the Jews! But, realistically, only those who have been called and had their minds opened by God can come to a true knowledge of the Christian Scriptures! All humans should observe God's commanded festivals at this period in human history but it is not possible due to some fine details in God's plan of salvation! The seven annual holy days / festivals plus Passover were in God's mind when He created the moon of Day 4 of Creation Week (Gen. 1:14-19). The Hebrew word for seasons in v 14 is mow'ed, which can also be translated festivals, or 'appointed times'. Eg. the 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the spring (March or April) and the 1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles every autumn (September or October) falls on a full moon. The Feast of Trumpets falls on a new moon every autumn. The other annual Sabbaths (Pentecost and the Day of Atonement) can fall on or near a new or full moon from year to year but that's just a coincidence as their dates are derived by counting from another High Day Sabbath.
Now back to the Day of Atonement, which informed people of God are observing today, September 28th, 2020. According to the Sacred calendar, it is the 10th day of Tishri, the 7th month. Beginning at sundown yesterday, it was required of God that all His people who have been enlightened, deprive themselves of all food and fluids until sundown this evening, a period of roughly 24 hours. The name of the day can be read 'At-one-ment' with God. The Eternal, our Creator, Saviour and High Priest wants His people to be at one with Him in every way. Eg. Jesus commanded His disciples, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matt. 5:48). Becoming perfect, for just about everyone, is a journey, not a destination. Because we live in a fallen world, we will always be imperfect compared to God as long as we are in the flesh. But we must strive to become perfect and uproot sin out of our lives every day by seeking God's help diligently, or we never succeed.
The Day of Atonement is mentioned indirectly in Acts 27:9 showing it was still known to (and observed by) 1st century believers. It is a vitally important holy day in God's plan of the salvation for the entire human race. It is a sad truth that the vast majority of professing Christians are missing out on a very important and exciting truth, namely that God is very close to each one of His children. He wants us all to be like Him so we can enjoy eternal joy and happiness with Him forever, after this temporary life is over.
***More to be added soon***
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