Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Does Anyone Have an Immortal Soul?

 It is commonly believed by nearly all religions that every individual has, or is, an immortal soul that will forever exist in some state or location beyond the physical body's death. This is a universal but false belief that billions of people of most religions take for granted. 

The purpose of this study is to come to the TRUTH of the matter and find out the REALITY of the subject of the soul. I offer no apology for basing my beliefs on the teachings concerning the soul found in the Christian Bible. The 66 books of the Bible are God's revelation to mankind and it offers the final word on any subject concerning spiritual matters. When properly understood, the Bible is more reliable than the greatest discoveries and writings of the best human minds on any subject (that it touches) under the sun. 

Rather than re-invent the wheel, so to speak, I will put a link for MANY well-researched articles explaining what the Bible really teaches about the soul. Here it is:


Here's another link to dozens more articles on the same subject:


Some key Scriptures to keep in mind:

Genesis 2:7 - man became a living soul, not an immortal soul; 

Ezekiel 18:4, 20 - this tells us that the soul of man can die; it is not immortal;

 Malachi 6:1 - this is a strong revelation that the wicked will be destroyed, body and soul;

Matthew 10:28 - God 'is able to destroy both soul and body in hell' - the soul is not immortal;

1 Cor 2:11 - every individual has a spirit within from God. Without this spirit, the body dies! This spirit been confused with the soul.

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