Sunday, October 12, 2014

Feast of Tabernacles 2014

This year the joyous 7-day annual festival called the FEAST OF TABERNACLES (FoT) is between 9-15 October. This is a festival to be kept by all God's people today. The first day of the FoT is the 15th Tishri, according to the sacred calendar God gave to Moses. Tishri is the seventh month of this calendar. The 15th Tishri, Day 1 of the FoT is an annual Sabbath, or High Day, when a commanded assembly must take place by all God's people to worship the Lord, according to His instruction and learn more of His ways (Lev 23:34-43).
The day after the end of the FoT is another High Day. The Last Great Day is on the 22nd Tishri each year (Thurs, 16 Oct).  It is the 7th and last of the annual Sabbaths to be observed every year.

I invite you to listen to the FoT messages given by a minister called Fred Coulter.  He recorded nine video messages to be played by small groups and by those who kept the FoT alone.

Since, according to the Bible, each day begins at sunset the previous day (Lev 23:27, 32), the opening message was for the evening of the 8th Oct, the evening before the first full day of the Feast.

This year the opening message, at the beginning of the FoT (Wed evening, 8th Oct):

The message for Day 1 of the FoT (Thurs, 9 Oct):

The message for Day 2 of the FoT (Fri, 10 Oct):

The message for Day 3 of the FoT (Sat 11 Oct):

The message for Day 4 of the FoT (Sun, 12 Oct):

The message for Day 5 of the FoT (Mon, 13 Oct) :

The message for Day 6 of the FoT (Tues, 14 Oct):

The message for Day 7 of the FoT (Wed, 15 Oct):

The message for the Last Great Day (Thurs, 16 Oct):

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