Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Real Bible Message

So, what is the ultimate secret of the Bible? [Prov 25:2] (Hint: It has everything to do with God reproducing Himself, eg. Rev 3:9!) God has concealed many things from the vast majority of mankind! Hidden below the surface of the inspired text lies a mind-boggling revelation Almighty God hid from all but the 'few' He wanted to know His secrets during the 6000 years of man's rule here on Earth from the time Adam and Eve sinned and rejected their Creators loving rule over them. From that time, with few exceptions, man has mis-ruled the Earth and did what was right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25). Hence, the world we live in today; a world of injustice, war, terrorism, misery, cruelty and Godlessness almost everywhere we look. Many say there cannot be an all-powerful, loving God in such a darkened and cruel world. But have they searched the Bible for answers? NO! They almost certainly have not! Most of those who have were deceived by the enemy of their souls, Satan the devil (Rev 12:9; 2 Cor 4:4). He has an unlimited number of tricks 'up his sleeve' to confuse and mislead the majority into reaching wrong conclusions. Only a tiny number of people were predestined to know this Truth this side of Christ's Second Coming - those who are members of His Church, a 'little flock' (Lk 12:32)! In other words, the vast majority of Bible 'experts', scholars and students have come to incorrect conclusions, some more-so than others. And many, many millions of 'trusting sheep' who let others do their research for them (Ps 118:8; Jer 17:5) have been totally led astray 'down the garden path' by their 'blind guides' because they were not predestined to know the Truth at this time. 

This is NOT the only day of salvation! Most professing Christians accept that all those who die without making a commitment to accept Jesus Christ as their personal saviour will not be saved. That is not what the Bible teaches! The scripture that has caused this widespread confusion is 2 Cor 6:2, (' is the day of salvation.') However, this is a mistranslation of Isa 49:8 which reads, ' A day of salvation...' Those who observe the annual holy days God gave His people, Israel, understand the truth about this seeming dilemma. Again, the vast majority of professing Christians are confused and blind to the true teaching of the Bible on this and most other doctrines. The seventh and final annual Sabbath Yahweh gave to His people through the prophet Moses sheds light on the fate of all those billions of people who died without having a real opportunity to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour. More about this later. [This is a great mystery known only to a relatively few people!]

Those who are confident they are already saved need to consider some key passages of Scripture they may not have fully meditated on. Is the 'once saved, always saved' teaching biblical? Many who are over-confident may need to reconsider their current status in the light of what God's Word really teaches!  O.S.A.S. is NOT a Bible doctrine! (I wish it was!) Some key passages that seriously need to be considered are:  Rom 3:23; 6:23; (Ezek. 18:4, 20); Matt 19:17; 28:20; 1 Jn 3:4; 5:2,3;  Rom 6; 13:10; Gal 5:18-25; Matt 7:13; 13:24; 7:21 etc.)

^^^ To be continued ^^^

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